Friday, April 12, 2024

Scope shoulder capsulorrhaphy procedures

Insurance just approved the procedure and my surgery with Dr. Eklund (sports injury surgeon) is scheduled. Admittedly, I'm a bit anxious and I'm currently trying to read up as much about it as I can. Realistically there's not much else for me to do but to just rest and heal, but it's always nice to know the details. 

There are a couple types of capsulorrhaphy procedures that can be performed: 
  1. Capsular Shift: In this technique, the surgeon tightens the loose or stretched tissues of the shoulder capsule by folding and overlapping them, effectively reducing the size of the capsule and improving joint stability. 
  2. Capsular Plication: This involves the use of sutures or anchors to gather and cinch together the loose or redundant tissues of the shoulder capsule, similar to taking in excess fabric when tailoring clothing. 
  3. Capsular Reconstruction: In cases of severe shoulder instability or extensive capsular damage, the surgeon may perform a capsular reconstruction using tissue grafts or synthetic materials to reinforce and strengthen the shoulder capsule. 
After capsulorraphy surgery, patients will usually be allowed to go home the same day. After surgery, you will be monitored closely and given pain medication to keep you comfortable. You will also be given a sling to wear and instructions on how to care for your incisions. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure proper healing. Recovery from capsulorraphy surgery takes time, but most people are able to return to their normal activities within four to six months.

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